Monday, 19 March 2007

Why I am not a Salafi

Doctrine About Allah

Allah as a human being
1. Salafis are taught by their theologians that Allah is a human being with limits.
Please read a statement from Mr.Ibn Baz (1920- 1999), former Mufti of the Salafi sect:

Allah is above limits that humans
know, but He has limits that only
He knows.
[al- `Aqidah Tahaawiyyah Bi- Ta`liq, p. 12]

That is not the Lord of the Muslims, as Allah SWT has told us, There is no thing like Him, and He is the All Hearing, the All Seeing.
[Surat ush- Shura, ayah 11]

Imaam Ali ibn Abi Talib RAA told us, Indeed, Allah the Exalted created the Throne as a manifestation of His Power and not a place for His Essence. He was in the beginning, while there was no place or time and He is now as He ever was.
[Al- Farq bain al- Firaq, p. 41].

2. Salafis are taught by their theologians that Allah sits on a chair in each heaven.
Haafiz al- Hakami (1924- 1958), a former head teacher at the Salafi colleges, has said, Indeed Allah descends to the lowest sky and in each sky He has a Kursi (chair), so when he comes down to the lowest sky, He sits on His Kursi (chair)……….. then when the morning comes, He ascends and elevates and goes and sits on His Kursi (chair).
[Ma`aarij ul- Qubul, V. 1, p. 256]

The Almighty over all says of Himself, Indeed, that is your Lord, Allah, who created the skies and the Earth in six days and He is above the Throne.
[Surat ul- A`raaf (7), ayah. 54]

Please notice how there is no mention of any human attributes whatsoever as Allah is Exalted far above being a human being and is not human.

3. Salafis are taught by their theologians that Allah has literal organs and an ‘exalted body. ’ Ibn Baz has said,
To say that Allah does not have a body, pupils, ear drums and ear lobes, tongue, and
larynx is not the position of Muslim Orthodoxy.
[At- Tanbihaat (Warnings), p. 22]

All that could be said to such blasphemy is:
And they thought of Allah other than the truth, the thought of the Days of Ignorance.
[Surah Aali `Imraan (3), ayah 154]

They think evil of Allah and for them is a severe torment.
[Surat ul- Fath (48), ayah 6]

Doctrines towards other Muslims

Most Muslims are not Muslims but pagans/ deviants

4. Salafis have been taught by their leaders that verses in the Qur’an which speak about the kuffar can also be applied to believing Muslims. .
Mr. Muhammad Jameel Zeeno explains how verses in the Qur’an about kuffar are easily applicable to Muslims, And these ayaat about kuffar, even if they are specifically about the kuffar, then indeed they are an established proof against anyone bearing their characteristics and attributes claiming Islam and going to war against those who call to belief in the uniqueness of Allah.
[Minhaaj al- Firqat un- Naajiyah (The Methodology of the Safe Sect), pgs. 39- 40]

The great Sahaabi Ibn `Umar RAA has said about those who apply verses about the kuffar to believing Muslims, They are the worst of Allah’s creatures and these people took some verses that had been revealed concerning the kuffar (unbelievers) and interpreted them as describing the mu’minin (believers).
[Sahih ul- Bukhaari, V. 9, p. 50]

5. Salafis have been taught by their scholars that most Muslims today have not only
become pagans, but they are like the Jews and Christians in the major kufr and shirk,
which makes them complete kuffar Muhammad Ismaa`il as-San`aani (1688- 1768) says
about most Muslims,
They don’t even know the reality of Islam or the actual nature of the Uniqueness of
Allah, so indeed they are kuffar absolutely and without any restriction.
[Tathir ul- Itiqaad `an adraan il- Ilhaad (Purifying the Creed from the Filth of Desecration), p. 36]

The Prophet Muhammad SAW has said, Indeed, the Children of Israel will split into 71 sects and this Ummah will have one more sect than them, all in the Fire except
as- Sawaad al- A`zam (the vast majority of people of the Muslims).
[Majma` az- Zawaa’id, V. 1, pg 179, al- Haakim in al-
Mustadrak, V. 4, pg 430 al- Baihaqi in al- Madkhal, pgs. 34
and 35, Tarikh Baghdaad, V. 13, pgs. 307 and 311 and al-
Faqih wal- Mutafaqqih, V. 1, pgs. 179 and 180. Also taken
from al- I`tisaam, V. 2, pgs. 458+; Faid ul- Qaadir, V. 5, p.
347 and classed hasan]

The Sahaabi Ibn `Abbas RAA referred to all upright Muslims in his time as, “Ahl us- Sunna,” which in English means, Muslim Orthodoxy.
[Sahih Muslim, V. 1, Muqaddamah (introduction)]

Are you a Salafi who is actually questioning his/ her faith and would like advice/ information?

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Why I
am NOT
a Salafi

Monday, 12 March 2007

Hizb ut-Tahrir - history



Taqi ud-Din an-Nabahaani, a reader in Mu`tazilah theology and a student of knowledge from Jordan, he was the founder of Hizb ut-Tahrir in the year 1953, in an attempt to ‘re-ignite the desire for khilaafa in the hearts of the Musims.’ He was successful in mixing a Salafi-brand type of Islam with Marxist/Leninist ideology that when fused became a volatile recipe of ignorance, confusion and disaster for Muslims worldwide.

One can see the followers of this movement today in most urban centres of Islam, spouting slogans, waving black flags and distributing leaflets to beleaguered Muslims emerging from the congregational Jumu`ah prayer. This style of teaching, learned from the party culture, is what replaces any systematic talks and teachings on salvation, theology, the Day of Resurrection and so forth. In fact, many will find that in their books, they are devoid of almost any talk of the Hereafter, Salvation, theology necessary for every believer to know and so forth. Although proclaiming that they are merely a political group, many of their press releases have theological overtones as well as principles. It is usually in college and university that young, naive Muslims are set upon by this organisation.

Key beliefs

1. They do not make it a priority to study systematic theology and the principles of knowing their faith, but are told and tell others that once the khilaafa is established, then such matters can be attended to by the populous. One will find many members unaware of the basis principles of the Muslim Creed, something both frightening as well as unnerving.

2. Hizb ut-Tahrir use the methods of debate as well as theological responsa extracted from the Mu`tazilah sect. This type of thinking of course has drastic consequences on the rest of the theology.

3. Many of the leaders, still today, hold that there is no punishment of the grave, denying numerous ahaadith as well as verses from the Qur’an that explicitly state this fact.

4. Followers of Hizb ut-Tahrir are commanded to attend two hours of lessons a week as a fard (compulsory) order. Missing them requires sincere repentance to Allah

5. They will not adhere to one of the four orthodox schools as an organisation. Rather, they blend and combine rulings, sometimes even making their own fataawa, such as the permissibility of listening to music with harmonics as well as viewing pornography and the naked body. All of this stems from the fact of a tacit refusal to submit to the methodology of Muslim Orthodoxy.

6. HT members seeking out new followers are usually encouraged to ‘go for the Jaahil ones,’ meaning those who have no knowledge of Islam. This methodology alone deserves to be labelled at cultic.

7. The Hizb ut-Tahrir are willing to work under any banner with any of the cults as long as ‘they are Muslims who want khilaafa.’

It is unknown the precise numbers of HT as the organisation does not rigorously keep records, but some estimates place as many as 10,000-20,000 full-time members worldwide.